About Us

Walk into every room like you were sent by God!

LundiLou is a curated slow fashion brand, focusing on resell and reworking fashion to create custom one of one designs that are ethically made in a smoke free environment from both vintage, new and deadstock materials. 

Thrifting is about finding one of a kind, unique pieces that aligns with your personal style.

Refresh and recreate your style palette affordably, while helping the environment. 

At LundiLou, we believe in sustainable fashion.

Here's How Thrifting Can Help Solve the Fashion Waste Crisis

Textile waste

Shopping secondhand reduces the cost of fashion by giving new life to used clothes. Resale moves us one step closer to a circular fashion future.

New clothing production is hurting the planet

Over 100B garments are produced each year, which is 2X more than 15 years ago. 1

Perfectly good clothing is being discarded

73% of apparel is sent to landfill or incinerated, 95% of which could be reused or recycled. 1

Extending the life of clothes fights fashion waste

Buying (and wearing) secondhand clothing instead of new reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 25%. 2